Before filling out the umpire application, please read, and accept the following conditions.
I agree…
Example: [email protected] PLEASE NOTE: if you are a family member that is the guardian for multiple umpires, you must supply separate emails for each umpire. Online webmail systems such as Gmail offer the ability to set up aliases to have separate email addresses that are sent to the same primary email.
Or umpire if over 18.
Example: ###-###-####
The method of payment for London Talons umpires is through e-transfer. Please provide an e-transfer email below if it differs then the contact email address provided. This email can be the same if multiple family members umpire for the London Talons.
Example: [email protected]
date you took the course for the current season
Allowed extensions: .jpeg, .jpg, .png, gif, .pdf.Maximum # Files: 2. Maximum File Size: 4MB.
Please provide the OBA umpire card (PDF) as provided to you after the completion of your course.