July Happenings!, News, Minor Bantam, 2019 (London Talons Baseball)

This Team is part of the 2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jul 29, 2019 | 2007 Talons | 716 views
July Happenings!
What's the saying again ..Better Late than Never - 

2019 4th Annual LT tourney champs - Minor Bantam. Boys played great all weekend!  Thanks to tall the parents who helped out by volunteering over the tournament weekend, it wouldn't have been a success without all the volunteers!

And what a great time had by all at the annual Millar Fest

and Boys golf tournament - thanks again to the Millar's for hosting! 

Happy Birthday as well to Blake and Jared - what a great cake!!

Looking forward to the rest of the summer with the LT families - hopefully the next post will be LDBA champs!
