Oct 02, 2023 | 2012 Talons | 641 views
2024 12U London Talons Roster Selected
As a coach, this was one of the toughest decisions I have had to make yet! With over 30 players trying out and the incredible talent that was on the field, selecting this seasons roster was difficult. To all players who tried out, thank you and you should all be very proud of yourselves and your performance and I look forward to seeing you tryout again next fall! Good luck with your baseball journeys!
With that said, I am proud to introduce the 2024 12U London Talons, bound for Cooperstown All Star Village:
A. Baker
H. Couchie
B. Coulas
W. Danbrook
T. David
A. Lobsinger
K. Malik
C. McGuire
P. Morning
S. Norris
B. Sponseller
G. Steele
G. Stewart-Ireland
A. Zeneli
Once again, a huge congratulations to all players who tried out, and a round of applause for the selected roster above! 2024 is shaping up to be a fantastic year of London Talons baseball!