Jan 07, 2017 | info | 1581 views
London Tecumsehs Pitching Clinics
The London Tecumsehs will be holding Pitching Clinics run by former Professional Pitchers that will be open to players from
Minor PeeWee to Major Midget. During these sessions Pitchers will learn to develop a repeatable delivery
with proper mechanics to help in avoiding injury, throwing drills to help aid in the development of velocity, as well as proper grips for various pitches. Pitchers will also learn about proper arm care and safety. Pitchers will also work on pick offs and how to properly field their position. These clinics are free to attend for all players registered for the Winter Workout / Tryout process. To register please click here.
The Clinic will be held at J.P. Robarts from 8:30-10:00.
March 1st
March 29th
April 12th
See you in the gym!
London Tecumsehs Baseball Club