Fall Tryouts come to a close, News (London Talons Baseball)

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Oct 29, 2018 | socialmedia | 931 views
Fall Tryouts come to a close
Thank you to everyone for your time, hard work and dedication during our first ever Fall Tryout.  Final rosters have been set and posted for all Mosquito to Bantam aged teams. 

Minor Rookie and Rookie will have a few gym tryouts in January before the teams are announced.  Midget and Junior teams will be made after winter workouts/tryouts.

An email will be sent to all players selected to play in 2019 regarding the $100 deposit required to confirm your child's intent to play for the London Tecumsehs. This fee will be deducted from your registration fees that will be due in early 2019.

Congratulations to all players who will represent the London Tecumsehs in 2019 - we look forward to another fun and rewarding season.