Fall Tryout Registration, News (London Talons Baseball)

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Sep 09, 2021 | Wayne Bilger | 1117 views
Fall Tryout Registration
Hello Talons Baseball Family,
We hope that everyone is excited about our new name and are looking forward to the 2022 season.
The London Talons Baseball Club is happy to open registration for fall tryouts for the following age groups;

10u (2012), 11u (2011), 12u (2010), 13u (2009), 14u (2008), 15u (2007), 16u (2006)

For more information please see the Registration tab above, or go here to register now.
Registration for the above age groups will be closed Sunday September 26th at midnight.
For late registration, email [email protected]
Tryout fees will be $60 (including a tryout t-shirt), and additional t-shirts are available to order upon registration.
If anyone wishes to order a t-shirt that is not registering, or for any other questions please email [email protected].
Dates, times, and location of the tryouts will be communicated and posted on the website by late-September with at least one week notice before tryouts begin in early October.
For all other age groups (8u, 9u, 18u, 21u), tryouts will be in the new year with registration re-opening prior to that.
Thank you,
The London Talons Baseball Club